How many seconds in eternity? ep11带来的震撼让我还是开心的给了五星开头的恐怖气氛营造的十分到位那逃不出去的迷宫永远会追上你的怪物再加上BGM诚然这一集就是一场精妙的舞台剧再加上皮卡叔的台词How many seconds in eternity? 45亿年他是那只拨动永恒秒钟的BIRD. 这一季前8集看完之后隔了大半年吧以至于后来继续看的时候已经忘记了…… 结局还算挺温馨吧有时候遗忘也是一种仁慈哦想起了亲爱的DonnaMemories become stories when we forget them. Maybe some of them become songs. 最后还cue一下Amy and Rory想念他们…
ohhh fuccckkk really like the kind of space magic or something想起了《特工学生txt全集下载》但这个形式也太尼玛有意思了you know what I can also imagine the picture by the figure in my mind and that is amazinggggggggg!!!!